Each of us has a desire in common- to give our lives to something that lasts for the long haul. Something that is strong, durable, withstands the pressures of day-to-day life and the crises we all face from time to time, and- most of all- one that thrives over time.

Join us for this three-week Connect Group experience where we’ll talk about three of the most important aspects of many of our lives: marriage, parenting, and finances. During this three-week experience, we’ll discover what it takes to have a marriage that makes it ’til death do us part, parenting that not only survives but gives our children the tools to become fully devoted followers of Christ, and financial disciplines that keep us stable financially and impact the lives of other people.

August 9: Marriage that Lasts- Lead, Love, Let it go!
August 16: Raising Kids that Thrive- 
Ready, Set, Launch
August 23: Money Matters- Investing in a way that outlives you