Pastor Dillon talks on what it means to be a disciple-maker and how it not “what we do”; instead it’s “who we are”.

Heartbeat: Become Disciples-Makers

You do what you do because of what you think of you.

We exist to give everyone opportunities to follow Jesus and become disciple-makers who live for God, love all people, and lead others to do the same.

Acts 1:8 (NIV)

Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

Disciple-making isn’t what we do. “Disciple-maker” defines who we are.

Who I am as a Disciple-Maker

#1- I live for God: I am surrendered.

Luke 9:57-62 (NIV)

#2- I love all people: I am generous.

Luke 10:25-37 (NIV)

#3- I lead others to do the same: I am sent.

Luke 10:1-3a (NIV)

LifeSpring is a church that anyone, regardless of their background, can call home. We have weekly experiences at 1250 North Brightleaf Boulevard in Smithfield, NC.

We are #ForSmithfield.

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