
Getting “More” out of Life

Something was missing.

“I was searching for several things,” Michaela says. She knew there was a void inside her. And, with few people she could rely on and a crumbling home life, she realized that something needed to change.

“I just wanted more out of life,” she said.

As it turns out, it was in the middle of this season- where things felt like they were falling apart- that Michaela found exactly what she was looking for.

Michaela and her family had been a part of LifeSpring since Launch Sunday in 2016. She and her mom served together in LifeKids. Michaela knew some things about Jesus- but something clicked at LifeSpring’s 2017 Christmas Experience.

As Pastor Dillon talked about how the Father welcomes calls us to come home to Him- regardless of where our lives have taken us- Michaela knew it was time to give her life to Christ. That evening, she decided to trust Jesus with her life and trust His love and forgiveness to save her and give her what she’d been searching for all along.

Her life hasn’t been the same since- and she's found the "more" she was looking for.

"After deciding to follow Jesus, my entire life changed,” Michaela says. "I have a peace that I never had before, and knowing that I’m forgiven everyday despite the multitudes of mistakes I make is so reassuring. I know whatever comes my way, good or bad, He is right by my side. Jesus is continuing to grow me everyday, and is giving me the confidence and courage that I have always longed for. I can say boldly that I would not be who I am or where I am today without Jesus’ love and grace and goodness that saved me almost 2 years ago."

A couple of months after giving her life to Christ, Michaela was baptized. Now, as a senior in high school, she’s not just getting ready for college- she’s focused on the mission of God and helping others find the same hope she now has.

"I have taken an interest of not only having someone mentor me, but for me to also mentor someone else. I want to serve others and lead them into a life with Jesus,” she says.

Not only that, she says she now feels like she has found a forever home where she belongs.

"Being apart of LifeSpring has given a forever family,” she says. “I feel like I finally belong somewhere."