
You are not alone

Tiffany was a single mom working at a bakery, trying to do her best- by herself.

“I lacked community and was struggling as a single mother with very limited support,” she says. “ I was lonely and I struggled with depression. I tried to read the Bible and have a relationship with Jesus but I really didn’t know how. I was doing it all by myself.”

Then she began noticing LifeSpring signs popping up in different places and she was invited by a couple that frequently came to the bakery she worked at. Looking back, she says she definitely felt “led” to LifeSpring, and she accepted the invitation on January 1, 2017.

Soon after, her life began to change- starting with giving her life to Christ.

“I always craved a relationship with Jesus but I honestly just knew very little about Him,” she says. “It wasn’t until coming to LifeSpring that I ever fully understood the gospel and what following Jesus meant.”

Tiffany was baptized after this, and, in the meantime, she discovered one of the most important facts we can ever come to know: we cannot do life alone.

“I…learned that I couldn’t follow Jesus on my own,” she says. “I needed more than just my Bible. I needed community.”

Tiffany became a part of a LifeGroup, and ever since then, she has found the support she needs in her life. Through her LifeGroup, she has found the family she always wanted- and she is no longer alone.

“Today my life is centered around Jesus and serving my church and community,” she says.”I’m not perfect and I still struggle but I have people that are there for me through the struggles. I have people to hold me accountable because following Jesus isn’t easy. Sometimes
I just don’t feel like it. But I am thankful for the people I have to help me through those moments.”

These days, you’ll find Tiffany leading our Guest Services team. She’s often out at the First Timer Tent, and she wants other to discover what she has found at LifeSpring: not just family, but the love of God Himself, a love that is complete and unconditional, regardless of your background.

“I want people to know that Jesus loves them right where they are right now and He wants a relationship with them,” she says. “You’re never too broken to be loved by Him. There’s nothing you could do that could make Him love you any less. I thought I was unworthy of His love but He sought me out over and over. He’s seeking you out too!”

Tiffany knows that love is the heart behind LifeSpring Church. LifeSpring isn’t a family that casts stones at the broken- but a place where anyone can belong. Tiffany puts it this way:

“LifeSpring is a place where all are welcome, no matter who you are or what you’ve done. We will love you like Jesus. It is a safe place, it is my safe place.”