Let’s be honest: In many cases, we get out of the bed in the morning because we have to.

We have to get to work so we can do our job so we can get paid so we can pay the bills and keep mouths fed and maybe have something left over to have some fun later.

Then Sunday morning comes around…and I wonder if we approach it the same way? Do we get out of bed to come to a church gathering because we want to…or because we feel like we have to in order to do our “Christian thing” so that we can keep God happy in hopes that He will keep the car running and the kids out of trouble and our spouse in the mood?

I’m not saying there aren’t times where we need to gather with the church even when we don’t feel like it…but if our primary motivation is obligation or guilt, then we’re missing out on the abundant life Jesus wants for us!

That begs the question: how might we make a shift in our motivation for being with the church? How might we shift from “I have to do this” or “I need to do this” to “I WANT to do this!”?

I believe the answer lies in one simple step:

Get involved in the area of your passion. 

In other words, figure out what makes you want to get out of bed in the morning- and get involved with that. Figure out what makes you come alive and advances the mission of God- and get involved with that. Figure out what you’re good at AND what you enjoy AND helps people see Jesus- and get involved in doing THAT.

It won’t be the same thing for everyone because everyone is made differently. But it will be something for everyone.

“But I’m not sure what that thing is for me,” you might say. I get that. In which case I would recommend two steps:

#1- Start trying things. 

I never would have know I had a desire to preach unless I did it when someone gave me an opportunity. I naturally hate talking in front of people because it freaks me out, and it still does to this day…except when I’m preaching. I never would have know I wanted to do that until I tried it.

The same thing is true when it comes to drumming. I never would have known I love playing the drums unless I had given it a try to start with.

My point is simply this: You never know unless you try- and if you aren’t sure, try something. You might be surprised!

#2- Pursue Jesus

This is actually the most important of the two, though I think they really run together.  David writes this in Psalm 37:4:

Take delight in the Lordand he will give you the desires of your heart.”

That doesn’t mean that delighting in the Lord- pursuing Jesus- will result in God giving you your dream home or car. What it does mean is as you delight in the Lord- as you pursue Him and seek to glorify Him with your life- He will shape your heart to want the things He wants you to want in the first place.

There are so many things that we say “I couldn’t imagine WANTING to do that!” However, when we pursue Jesus, He begins to radically change our heart, and the result is that our heart begins to want things it did not before- resulting in us discovering passions we didn’t know we have.
And it’s as we discover those passions that we discover what gets us out of bed in the morning and moves us from “having” or “needing” to go to church to “wanting” to gather with and serve the church so that people can see Jesus!