We often tend to think of fear as a bad thing. We think of fear as often being something that incapacitates us- like being scared of the dark as a child- and thus something that needs to be avoided at all costs.

There are times when fear is a bad thing- and when we sense it, we should choose to trust God instead.

#1- Fear of People

This is also known as people-pleasing. People pleasing takes a lot of forms, but at it’s core, it’s all about making decisions that are designed to keep other people happy- and avoid their anger at all costs.

This is often what keeps us from sharing our faith. It’s what keeps us from confronting conflict. It’s what keeps us in certain jobs or doing certain things we despise- because even though we’re miserable, we can’t bear the thought of letting someone else down.

Proverbs 29:25 says that ” Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Fear of people ALWAYS keeps us from taking steps that God calls us to take- and anytime we sense that we are making a decision because we fear people, it’s call for us to choose faith over fear and trust God.

#2- Fear of the future. 

Another unhealthy fear is fear of the future. This is normal to the extent that we almost always fear the unknown- and the future is exactly that: unknown.

Sometimes we disguise this as “due diligence” or “planning”…but often those can be disguises for a fear of the future that keeps us up at night.

The greatest problem fearing the future has is that, like fear of people, it keeps us from stepping into the future God has for us.

Is the future unknown? Yes. But Jesus had this to say about it:

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”- Matthew 6:34

We can’t control the future- therefore worrying about it does us no good and only stresses us out. All we can do is what God tells us to do right now- and trust Him with the results of tomorrow.

On the flip side of things, there ARE instances where fear can be a very healthy thing- and it should be embraced whole-heartedly. 

#1- Fear of the Lord

Proverbs 1:7 tells us, ” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…” 

Wisdom starts with a healthy fear of the Lord. That doesn’t mean we should be afraid of Him- no good father would want their children scared of them. I certainly don’t want my son scared of me when he makes his way into the world in a month or so!

At the same time, fathers do want their children to respect and honor them. This is the idea that is being driven home here. God does not want us afraid of Him. What He does want is for us to approach Him with honor, respect, and awe. He wants us to have a high view of Him- and that’s what leads us to worship and follow Him.

#2- Fear of Destruction

There are some things we should have a healthy fear of- particularly when it comes to thinking through the consequences of something we are tempted towards.

For instance, check out what Solomon tells us in Proverbs 2 when it comes to being tempted towards a romantic relationship with someone other than our spouse:

Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.– Proverbs 2:16-19 (emphasis added)

We should have a sober assessment of what WILL happen when we choose to disobey God. I’m convinced that it is often the case that, when we walk into sin, it’s because we lack a healthy fear of the consequences, instead choosing to believe we are immune from them.

We are no more immune from the consequences of sin than we are from being mauled by a wild bear if we try to give it a hug.

This fear shouldn’t lead us to quaking in our shoes- it should lead us to greater faith in God, which is ultimately expressed through a decision to trust Him. It should push us back to God just like danger should move a child to run into their father’s arms.


Fear can be a bad thing- but it can also be healthy. What we fear and why we fear it has to be considered, and above all, it should be directed by a proper fear of the Lord, knowing He wants what is best for us- and realizing He is worthy of all our devotion and worship. This leads us to choose Him- even in the face of fear.



  1. Fear of man (people pleasing)
  2. Fear of the future (refusing to take risks God calls us to, also the unknown and “what if”)
  3. Fear of Destruction (i.e. if i do _______, then ______ will happen)- HEALTHY
  4. Fear of God (reverent awe)- HEALTHY