On January 21 of this year, we planted Township Church, the first church sent directly from LifeSpring, and even thought we’re two “little c” churches, we’re all part of one “Big C” Church! On July 7, we’ll be gathering together at Township Church for a combined Sunday morning gathering under one roof, and we cannot wait to worship together as one family! Township- Church is located at Cleveland Elementary School and we will begin at 10am.

We also ask you to bring a gift card of any amount to any local fast food, grocery store, or Walmart. We will be donating these gift cards to the Johnston County Department of Social Services. These cards will be used for foster families and/or children awaiting foster placement in need of food or to relieve the burden of needs when a placement is made. We will have a collection box on BIG C Sunday to collect these cards to provide to Johnston County DSS.